Brazos Chamber Orchestra | What’s happening in the Mid-Cities

Brazos Chamber Orchestra

*The event has already taken place on this date: Mon, 10/23/2023
The Brazos Chamber Orchestra is excited to bring its 2023-2024 concert season, an eclectic blend of live orchestra music to the community. This 26th season fall series will include these selections: ‘American Spiritual Festival’, Selections from ‘Oklahoma’, ‘American Civil War Fantasy’ to name a few. The final piece of the concert will be the ‘William Tell Overture’ by Rossini. You may remember a melody from this overture. It was used by ‘The Lone Ranger’.

Please help us keep this calendar up to date! If this activity is sold out, canceled, or otherwise needs alteration, email so we can update it immediately. If you have a question about the activity itself, please contact the organization administrator listed below.

Please share the news that the BCOs 2023-2024 Concert Season begins tonight!  Make sure you bring your family and friends to the concert to hear the Brazos Chamber Orchestra. Yes, the concert admission is free although we do collect donations. Come be a part of the growing excitement that is the Brazos Chamber Orchestra!

All concerts begin at 7:30 PM

Fall Orchestra Concert Series – October 2023

Monday, October 16 Field Street Baptist Church Cleburne

Sunday, October 22 The Center@ Pathway Church Burleson

Monday, October 23 Granbury First United Methodist Church


December Orchestra Concert Series – December 2023

Monday, December 4 The Center@ Pathway Church Burleson

Monday, December 11 Granbury First United Methodist Church

Tuesday, December 12 Field Street Baptist Church Cleburne


Winter Orchestra Concert Series – February 2024

Monday, February 19 Field Street Baptist Church Cleburne

Sunday, February 25 The Center@ Pathway Church Burleson

Monday, February 26 Granbury First United Methodist Church


Spring Orchestra Concert Series – April 2024

Sunday, April 21 The Center@ Pathway Church Burleson

Monday, April 22 Granbury First United Methodist Church

Tuesday, April 23 Field Street Baptist Church Cleburne



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Visit our BCO website

*Times, dates, and prices of any activity posted to our calendars are subject to change. Please be sure to click through directly to the organization’s website to verify.


Granbury First United Methodist Church
301 NE Loop 567
Granbury, TX, 76048
United States


(817) 938-4356
Contact name: 
Kathy Anavitarte
The event has already taken place on this date: 
7:30 PM